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Printed Directory

See who is attending, exhibiting & sponsoring

At ITC we feel it is important for exhibitors and visitors to get a quick overview and find the right partners during their time in Malta. The printed directory offers exhibitors and visitors an excellent opportunity to showcase products and services in a visually attractive format which will be available to all delegates and thus serve as an important reference guide. We invite you to place your advertisement in the Directory and get your message across the industry.

Delegates Printed Directory Profile Page

Online Directory

For use prior, during & post the event

The online directory provides a fast and detailed way to search for exhibitors, companies and delegates by name, country, industry sector and company type. ITC Malta delegates can use the directory prior to the event to select the companies they want to see, using the contact details to request appointments. Exhibitors can see who will be attending the show and target key partners or prospects. Data can be printed for offline use. ITC will provide access codes for the directory once payment has been made.

Delegates Printed Directory Profile Page